Saturday, October 22, 2005

Developing tagging apps with Ning

I've just built a tag-based book recommendation application of my own, LooksAtBooks, for folks who want to share and gather new books on the subject of 2.0. If I can do this ...

Sunday, October 09, 2005


"This new world of point-of-sale advertising for checkout counter tops is undoubtedly the prime non-utilized, rentable space in the supermarket that can generate unequal profit. They can be instantly removed and reapplied for different advertising campaigns."

Context-Sensitive Coupons

MIT Advertising Lab
"Coupons Inc launched Concordance, a program that places context-sensitive coupons on publishers' sites by scanning the pages for keywords and linking them to available offers. Jeff Weitzman, Coupons' president: 'When a site visitor clicks a Concordance link, they are taken to that site's own coupon section, and that offer is sorted to the front of the microsite, but the rest of the offers are available to browse through, select, and print as well.' A bit earlier, the company also launched video coupons."

SMS Bible

"SMSBible allows you to send Bible verses of your choice together with your own personal message (up to about 150 characters total) to groups of people."

Netvibes: TiVo For the Web

MIT Advertising Lab
"The screenshot may not look like much, but you have to try Netvibes for yourself to see the future of the web. It's an Ajax application that is as graceful as Google Maps or Flickr and lets you build your own gateway to the online world in no time, with no effort, no ads and no login info. The guys just beta-launched it a couple of weeks ago, and it is going to be big."

The Future of Advertising

Opinion from PC Magazine
"So what's next for advertising? It's becoming more and more apparent that mass-market advertising is so sickeningly ubiquitous that it's become an offense to many, myself included. Half-hour TV shows have only 20 minutes of content, with the rest commercials and promotions. People flock to HBO to get away from this problem. The biggest feature of TiVo and DVRs is the ability to kill commercials. MythTV has a plug-in that when you are recording a show takes the commercials out of the base recording automatically."

Toronto Gives Up Video Ads in Metro

MIT Advertising Lab
"The good people of Toronto got furious over their transit authority's plans to bring narrowcast television to their subway, started a campaign, put up a website claiming that 'video ads would be an additional intrusion as well as being distracting for people who are trying to relax, be social, read or think!' I am yet to see any social and relaxing people in Boston's T, but Toronto should be all smiles now that the group has won and the plan has been abandoned."

Customizable Video Channels for Web Users

Yahoo! Finance
"At my, users can upload and store their video blogs free of charge; they can also enter a search and save it as a 'channel', which will be automatically and perpetually updated with relevant footage. This personal 'channel' can then be viewed as a single, uninterrupted media stream, either online, or when downloaded to their desktops or portable video player. In this way, blinkx is empowering Internet users to customize not only what video
content they receive, but also how and when they view it."

The Music Machine ... from Coke
"UK-based Inspired Broadcast Networks has signed a deal with Coca-Cola to distribute digital content from its soft drink vending machines: this is the first such deal and Europe. These machines will sell mobile phone top-ups, ringtones and content will be transferred to the purchaser's phone through their mobile operator's network, or may also be transferred directly to the phone using Bluetooth. In the future, the company plans to allow people to collect their content by plugging their phones' memory cards into a drive on the coke machine."

Why eBay Really Bought Skype

MIT Advertising Lab
"The long post in a nutshell: I think eBay wants to use Skype as a distribution platform for content, micro-paid for through PayPal and accessible on a wide range of devices."

Advertisers Fight Banner Blindness With News Feeds

Yahoo! News
"Advertisers are using new Web syndication technology to build ads that entice users to interact with real-time news feeds.

The BBC plans to break a U.S. ad campaign next week that streams headlines in ad units. The RSS (Really Simple Syndication) news feeds are targeted to specific media placements. For example, ad units running on entertainment sites would carry BBC lifestyle story headlines, while those on and will include political and world news."

DVR With Unlimited Memory

MIT Advertising Lab
"The price of memory has fallen dramatically - one megabyte cost around $7000 in 1956 when IBM launched the RAMAC 305 - and now its a matter of cents. The consequence of this? The CTO of Liberty predicts that a high-end PC or laptop in 2010 will have 60 terabytes of memory. To put that in perspective, you could save two hours of TV programming everyday for 75 years and still not fill the disc. What happens to the TV industry and the ad industry when that happens?"

FeedTree: collaborative RSS and Atom delivery

"FeedTree brings news feed updates to users, instead of the other way around. FeedTree users work together to share news as soon as it is available. Feed updates arrive immediately, instead of on a polling schedule, making RSS as instantaneous as e-mail.

FeedTree helps publishers control bandwidth. Peers in the FeedTree network cooperate to share the burden of delivering news, allowing publishers to offer larger news feeds with more frequent updates. Publishers who choose to push content directly to the FeedTree network ensure immediate and authentic delivery to their readers."

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Embracing the Monkeys

Embracing the Monkeys
"As this our inaugural post, in (what you'll find over time) keeping with Monkey Style, we figured that we'd go ahead and just lob the grenade right into the middle of the room and let it grow and evolve from there. That's what this is all about isn't it?
We're eating our own Web 2.0 dog food here so this will seem familiar in spots since we're mashing up, collaborating and adding as we go along."

A compact defintiion of Web 2.0

O'Reilly Radar
"Web 2.0 is the network as platform, spanning all connected devices; Web 2.0 applications are those that make the most of the intrinsic advantages of that platform: delivering software as a continually-updated service that gets better the more people use it, consuming and remixing data from multiple sources, including individual users, while providing their own data and services in a form that allows remixing by others, creating network effects through an 'architecture of participation,' and going beyond the page metaphor of Web 1.0 to deliver rich user experiences."


"As more and more audio and video make their way to the Internet, it has become increasingly difficult to find things that you like. Loomia is a podcast and videocast search engine plus much more. Our goal is to help you discover, share, and manage things of interest to you. We make use of the likes and dislikes of an ever-increasing community to filter through thousands of channels to help you find good stuff."

Approaching a definition of Web 2.0

The Social Software Weblog
I think this is one of the most useful analyses of key issues, can just about grasp it.

A cognitive analysis of tagging

A cognitive analysis of tagging
"A cognitive analysis of tagging (or how the lower cognitive cost of tagging makes it popular)"

Audi and new Audiences ...

"Here is one of the most remarkable (although maybe not that surprising to those who have attempted such things) marketing stats you'll hear for a long time.

Audi recently ran an online campaign.
They spent 0.5 percent of their budget on blog ads.
Those ads accounted for 29% of the traffic sent to Audi's ad landing page." my first desperate fumblings with tagging as a day-long activity ...
Having read about and the like for months now, have started to get seriously involved and loving it .... am too much of an old fart to really get this, but hey, I'm trying! - Smile, You're on Photobucket
"A year ago, relatively few people had heard of While the upstart Web site is still far from a household name, it has emerged as the most popular online photo destination in recent months, drawing more visitors than established sites from companies like Eastman Kodak Co. and Yahoo Inc."

Blog stats double

"WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) - Technology is making it easier to ignore mainstream media advertising. Instead, consumers are using Web logs, mobile messaging, comparison shopping Web sites, and word-of-mouth to make buying decisions, according to Forrester Research Inc."

Youth + music = web

"A new study from Yahoo! and OMD Worldwide�finds that globally, youths far prefer to get their music fix from the Internet than the radio. The study, entitled 'Truly, Madly, Deeply Engaged: Global Youth, Media and Technology,' looks at 13-24 year olds in 11 countries and their media habits. The researchers conclude that today's youth expect their media experiences to be highly personalized and tailored to their individual tastes."