Thursday, September 29, 2005

Loomia: podcast and videoblog search engine and recommendation system

The Social Software Weblog
"Another site whose stated goal is to help sift through the sea of rich media flooding these here interwebs %u2014
Loomia is an audio and video search engine, community, and recommendation system. You
generate personalized recommendations by training the system with your ratings of the media you listen to or view.
There%u2019s a built-in media player in the Loomia interface, so no need to involve third-party applications, which makes it
more likely that you%u2019ll actually stick around to input your ratings. There are also a number of other ways to find
media items of interest %u2014 via categories and tags, related items, community ratings, and via the recommendations of
users Loomia deems similar to you in terms of media taste."


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